Thursday, April 30, 2015

I am here today to compare and contrast two of my best friends:  Matt and Schmity.  These two fine gentlemen are the same in the sense that they are both very good at one thing well two things actually: playing video games and making my life a living nightmare.  But what makes these two unique characters different?  Well, let's look at their lifestyles, both spend a fairly good chunk of time in their basement, but Schmity has a love for animals as well as hunting, fishing and showing his own animals for 4H.  Matt on the flip side of the coin has built several computers and he has the uncanny ability to do things in computer games that I am pretty sure are not suppose to happen.  They also differ in they way in which they annoy me and make my life, miserable.  Schmity uses the direct approach by telling me outright things that people just shouldn't say.  He also is very good at poking me with things in class(see geometry for more information).  Matt on the flip side takes a more subtle approach by showing me videos or playing games that should not me played(see stack your friends for more information).  Or sometimes making me commit the act by giving me a push in the right direction.(see the cabin for more information).  But both are my friends despite the hardships that both have caused me and they shall continue to change my life, of that I have no doubt.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hello, all you people of people's.  I am Travis AKA Punnie.  I am 6'0'' and I hang with a crowd that says things like "In the year of last year."  Or tells me what a horrible person I am.  One of those people sends me beautiful emails he is a ginger who's name shall remain anonymous for security purposes.  These email's consist of telling me about all of the beautiful and colorfully worded emails I send him.  He also tells me that I should publish these emails as works of literature.   My oldest friend and I often play the best mobile game of all time bad piggies.  This friend and I have spent many a homeroom working on this game perfecting every level.  But this friend has the tendency to tell me things that a young innocent mind should not hear.  He also shows me images and plays games that should not even exist.  But, I would not have it any other way.  Or have any other friends that teach my the ways of the world in the way that they do.